Applying to Enter the Ordination Process
Form 1A  “Application to be enrolled by Presbytery as an Inquirer"
Form 1B  "Questions for Reflection”
Form 1C  “Financial Planning for Theological Education”
Form 1D  “Session Evaluation and Recommendation”
Enrolling as an Inquirer
Form 2A  “Report of Consultation regarding application”
Form 2B  “Covenant Agreement and Inquirer Release”
Annual Consultation
Form 3  "Pre-consultation report on development areas” 
Form 4  “Report on Consultation”
Advancing to Candidacy 
Form 5A  “Application to be enrolled by Presbytery as a Candidate”
Form 5B  “Session recommendation for Enrollment as Candidate”
Form 5C  “Report of Consultation to become a Candidate”
Form 5D  “Covenant Agreement and Candidate Release”
Statements for Evaluation - Old Form 5

Almost all of these forms can also be found here.


The Land That I Will Show You Blog: the blog of the Office of Preparation for Ministry/Examinations of the Presbyterian Church (USA). This blog is designed to serve as a resource for those discerning and preparing for a call to the ministry of Word and Sacrament as ordained teaching elders of the church. It also provides a place for reflecting on and dialoging about the changing context of pastoral ministry in the early 21st century.

From the Office of the General Assembly

For a one stop online directory of everything Presbyterian - What Presbyterian Believe


The PCUSA Preparation for Ministry Handbook: This is one of the most important documents to read both before and during the ordination process. Please read this cover to cover as soon as possible. You can also find the handbook here
Introduction to the Preparation Process
CPM Ordination Process - a simple checklist of all the steps you need to take from Application to Certification
Discerning your call
Guidelines for Preparing a Statement of Faith
Handbook on Ordination Exams
Preparing Materials for Final Assessment